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Understanding the 3 Major Types of Cyber Security for Your Business

If you want to understand the three types of cybersecurity for your business, you’ve found the right post. It’s difficult to go one week without seeing news of a security breach. Some will be minor and only cause a minor interruption in daily business. Those remain important when it comes to protecting critical company and individual information. Others will have major consequences. These will interrupt business for hours on end, if not days. Worse, this will involve the pilfering of company and employee information. It will also involve the stealing of customer info on file. It’s worth knowing how to best protect your systems from unwanted intrusions.

PRO TIP: CE IT Solutions is located in Little Falls, NJ and works with hundreds of small businesses offering cybersecurity, data backup, small business IT consulting and managed IT solutions.

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Understanding Cloud Security

Cloud computing and security involves protecting cloud-based data. This involves authenticating access to information in digital systems. It also involves filtering traffic to see who’s trying to access it. This security will be a joint effort between the business and cloud systems provider. It’s the cloud systems provider’s duty to manage traffic analysis. They’ll handle the filtering of web access across their cloud infrastructure. They’ll also provide security updates across the entire cloud infrastructure. Other businesses are likely to use their services too. Updates will be provided to all of them in a near-simultaneous manner. The robust security updates will prevent strong intrusion attempts.

This doesn’t mean the business won’t need to do anything on their end. The business should manage who accesses the cloud-based resources. They must ensure that protocols are followed to maintain integrity of the data. This will ensure that certain users aren’t sloppy and careless with data they handle. It won’t be easy for users to access, but that’s necessary to maintain strong security.

PRO TIP: CE IT Solutions provides cybersecurity training to small and medium sized businesses in New Jersey. Please contact us to set up a call!

Understanding Network Security

Network security is equally important when it comes to cybersecurity. This involves protecting the integrity of devices involved. Accessing data manually must be configured in a specific way for protection. The devices used to see confidential information shouldn’t be easy to access. This is done to prevent data from being, if not stolen. Network security architecture must be complex. New and updated solutions must continue to be made over time. Cyber thieves are continually changing their methods to bypass security systems, after all.

Network security involves the use of encryption and firewalls on devices used to access data. This will prevent unauthorized access from anyone who tries to break through. These protocols are put in place at an organizational level. These will control the behavior of users who try to access them. Obtaining data will involve the creation of strong passwords. These must be changed frequently. Different levels of employees will have alternating access to data.

Understanding Physical Security

Physical security remains a necessary component for protecting systems from unwanted parties. This involves the protection of physical locations. Here, protective strategies are implemented at all physical levels. These will include physical surveillance of the systems with cameras. This will make sure the right and authorized individuals are accessing specific systems. It also involves the presence of security guards and barriers for protection. Protection from disasters like fires and floods is also necessary here. These will result in the loss of information stored locally if they’re damaged. 

This will also work hand in hand with network security. The process involves limiting control of what people have access to on specific sites. Some materials are confidential for specific parties. Testing just how well the physical security systems will work is also important. Businesses should know how everyone involved will respond to a physical threat. This will help define everyone’s roles in the process.

Understanding the 3 Major Types of Cyber Security for Your Business

It helps to understand all the types of cybersecurity to protect confidential information. Protection should be implemented for cloud security. Most of this can be deferred to the company storing the information. But the business should keep track of who is accessing everything. Network security is also necessary. This will help manage who can access specific data. It involves firewalls and password system implementation. Physical security will help keep track of who accesses specific systems. It involves surveillance and security guards. This will all help you understand the three major types of cybersecurity for your business.

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